
Publisher Name: Engineering Software Solutions (EngiSSol)

Engineering Software Solutions is an engineering software development and consulting company dedicated to provide robust and scientifically advanced software solutions in any field of civil and structural engineering across the globe. Software development and consulting services is what ENGISSOL does successfully for the last decade. Our team of experienced professionals is specialized in developing technical applications designed to meet your specific business needs and requirements and our many years of experience help us deliver you solutions that even exceed your initial expectations. The proof is the thousands of customers who trust us.

ENGISSOL provides analysis and design software applications that are useful for professional engineers. Our aim is to offer generic applications that can be applied to the engineering practice and boost the efficiency of our clients by reducing their time and effort, while increasing their productivity and efficiency.

Cross Section Analysis & Design is a powerful engineering tool for cross section analysis. It features modern scientific numerical methods for the analysis and design of arbitrary reinforced or unreinforced cross sections. This evolutionary application has the ability to compute moment-curvature diagrams, interaction curves, deformed configuration under biaxial loads etc. Moreover, the cross section can be arbitrary and can be stressed by biaxial bending and axial load. Finally, the application can perform reinforcement check/design according to a great range of available standrads (AASHTO, UBC, AS 3600, IS 456, ACI 318, BS 8110, CSA A233, EC2, NZS 3101 and CP 65).

Furthermore, ENGISSOL offers another great, flexible, simple 2d analysis application called 2D Frame Analysis, which uses optimized finite element techniques and performs static and dynamic analysis of plane frames with members of any material. Some of features are beam, truss, linear spring elements, custom initial conditions, eigenvalue analysis, full customized time history analysis etc.

We offer all our solvers to individual developers, software companies, universities etc. In this way, our powerful software engines can be easily adapted and integrated to third party applications enabling our customers to take advantage of the reliability and robustness of our algorithms which have been proven accurate in use from numerous professional individuals or companies from all over the world. The sections that our libraries cover are related Analysis and Design. Analysis is performed by using finite element methods according to the specific needs of the current projects in order to calculate the stress state of a structure after the application of the specified loads. Moreover, the Design section concerns the dimensioning of the structural members according to a regulation (for instance Eurocodes, ACI, AISC, DIN, BS etc) so that they can safely carry the previously specified loads by the analysis. ENGISSOL’s libraries can be easily integrated and work together, since total compatibility is ensured. For instance, an analysis library of ENGISSOL that uses non linear features can be integrated to a design library that performs checks according to Eurocode, so that both sections (Analysis and Design) are considered together.

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Ondrej Kalny
Overview and derivation of basic elasticity equations.
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